Membership Matters

York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

August 2023

Show appreciation for your local health hero


Do you know a healthcare hero who has gone above and beyond the call of duty? Now is your chance to recognise and celebrate their efforts and pay your own tribute.


We’re asking patients and families to nominate a staff member or team from their local hospital or community service; someone they feel deserves special recognition as part of our annual Celebration of Achievement Awards.


The award will be presented to an individual or team who has shown an exceptionally caring, supportive, and compassionate service to patients, their families, and their friends.

Last year’s winner, Jacob Harlow, a then Student Nurse in the emergency department at York Hospital, was nominated twice by patients for the exceptional care he provided.


The Trust’s Chief Executive, Simon Morritt, said, “Every day in the NHS, dedicated teams and individuals go to extraordinary lengths to provide exceptional care and fantastic services. Our Celebration of Achievement Awards have become a valuable and highly regarded way of honouring colleagues who have excelled in their achievements and services for the Trust.”


Nominations can be made via this online form. Send yours in before midnight on Thursday 14 September 2023.


Upcoming AHP recruitment and careers event

Come along and find out more about opportunities in our therapy teams at Scarborough and Bridlington hospitals on Saturday 9 September, between 10am and 2pm, in the Postgraduate Centre, Scarborough Hospital.


The event is open to qualified or final year degree students in speech and language therapy, dietetics, occupational therapy, and physiotherapy. We will be holding interviews on the day for final year students, qualified therapists at various bands, and Band 3 therapy support workers.


Find out more about the AHP recruitment and careers event here.


Baby friendly accreditation for Trust's maternity services


The Trust’s maternity services have received an award for our support of breastfeeding and responsive parenting.


The Baby Friendly accreditation is awarded to services where health professionals are enabled to support mothers with feeding and help parents build a close and loving relationship with their baby.


Breastfeeding protects babies against a wide range of serious illnesses including gastroenteritis and respiratory infections in infancy, as well as asthma, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes in later life.


We know that breastfeeding reduces the mother’s risk of some cancers. Breastfeeding is more than just food, it’s comfort and protection as well.


Let's treat tobacco dependency


Our tobacco dependency team is helping patients quit smoking comfortably with medication and support.


The ‘Swap & Stop’ service is helping patients live longer, healthier, and happier lives. Rather than telling people not to smoke, the service offers effective, judgement-free tobacco dependency treatment.


Find more information on how we're helping our patients quit for good on the Swap and Stop website.

Get involved

Public Council of Governors meetings

These meetings are held throughout the year and give you the chance to see first-hand the workings of the Council of Governors speaking up and representing the views of their constituents.


2023 meetings will be held at Malton Rugby Club during the below times. Each meeting will be preceded by a 30 minute 'Meet the Governors' session, starting at 10:00am

  • Thursday 14 September, 10.30am - 1.00pm
  • Thursday 14 December, 10.30am - 1.00pm

Public Board of Directors meetings

These are held every other month and give you the opportunity to observe the Board of Directors on how decisions are made and what the challenges are of managing a NHS Trust.


Meetings are held in The Boardroom at York Hospital. Upcoming dates are:

  • Wednesday 29 November 2023, 9.00am

More details on Board of Directors Meetings can be found here.


If you're unable to attend meetings in person, you can watch the livestream by clicking this link. This will remain available to watch after the meeting has ended.


Star Award finalists

All our staff and volunteers deserve recognition - but there are many that go above and beyond the call of duty to make the Trust a better service - with hard work, exciting new ideas and simply by putting patients first. Click here to read why they were nominated and learn how they made a difference. If you would like to nominate someone for a Star Award complete the online form.


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York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Membership Newsletter

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