The main entrance of Scarborough's new UECC.

Membership Matters

York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

June 2024

A message from our Chair


I had the privilege of starting my role as Chair of the Trust last November. I retired from working full time in the NHS in September 2021, having joined the NHS as a trainee hospital administrator in 1972. Since 1994, I have served five NHS trusts as their Chief Executive. Having been retired for a couple of years, I decided to apply to be Chair to see if the appointing panel (including four governors) considered my previous experience relevant to the needs of the Trust at this moment in its history. I have lived in Harrogate since 2009.


The Trust has some significant challenges and priorities. Firstly, reducing the delays far too many patients experience in our emergency departments (EDs) at York and Scarborough. These delays are primarily caused because we have so many patients in hospital who do not need to be in hospital, resulting in not enough beds being available in a timely manner when patients need to be admitted from the EDs.


Secondly, the crucial need to improve what it feels like for many staff to work in the Trust. The feedback from the staff survey results indicates the real need to make improvements. Thirdly, the need to significantly reduce our day-to-day running costs. The financial obligation that is required of the Trust is the most challenging I have ever experienced in my career.


On the positive side, the Trust has made good progress in reducing waiting times for new outpatient referrals and for planned procedures including surgery, and reducing waiting times for patients referred with suspected cancer and receiving treatment for those with a diagnosis of cancer.


This newsletter also gives several excellent examples of the terrific work that is undertaken every day. Despite our challenges, there is much to be proud about the work of our staff.


On the morning of 7 June, we held our first members’ constituency meeting. The plan is to hold one in a different constituency every quarter. We started with the Selby constituency. Two members attended who made a very helpful and constructive contribution. Their feedback about the format of the event was also helpful – they considered the format to be good. However, I think we need to give more thought perhaps to the time of day these events are held in the future to enable more members to attend if they wish to do so.


I will from this month onwards write an article for every edition of this newsletter.

With my thanks for your interest and support in the Trust, and best wishes.


Martin Barkley

Trust Chair


Your chance to preview Scarborough's new Urgent and Emergency Care Centre


For the first time, members of the public are invited to see the new Urgent and Emergency Care Centre (UECC) at Scarborough Hospital, before it becomes fully operational later this year.


Our guided walking tours are an opportunity to preview the state-of-the-art facility that will change the shape of hospital care on the East Coast.


Tours are taking place throughout the week commencing 8 July, with dedicated sessions for people with accessibility requirements also available on Wednesday 10 July. The tours are limited to eight people per group, and there will be four groups per time slot.


Building of the £47million UECC began in April 2022 and is the largest scheme ever undertaken by the Trust.


See all available time slots and book on Eventbrite.


Doors open to York's new Community Diagnostic Centre

A new Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) has opened its doors in York, helping to speed up the detection of many serious illnesses.


Located at Askham Bar Community Care Centre, the CDC plays a vital role in the diagnosis of illnesses such as cancer and heart disease, meaning patients can begin their treatment and recovery much sooner.


Once the CDC is fully operational, around 70,000 additional diagnostic appointments will be available to patients, including a planned 9000 CT and MRI scans in the first year.


Read more about York’s new CDC.


NHS hospital volunteers celebrate Volunteers' Week

This month we celebrated Volunteers’ Week, and this year marked 40 years since the event launched in the UK.


The 40th anniversary was a great opportunity to reflect on volunteers’ achievements and a chance to say a heartfelt thank you to the volunteering community across our Trust.


Read more on our Volunteers’ Week celebrations


NHS Big Tea

The NHS Big Tea is back between 1 and 5 July. Join York & Scarborough Hospitals charity to celebrate by holding a bake sale or tea party to raise funds that will support your local hospital.


Register now to receive a hamper and number square to help with your fundraising. See more details online and start planning your party.

Get involved

Public Council of Governors meetings

These meetings are held throughout the year and give you the chance to see first-hand the workings of the Council of Governors speaking up and representing the views of their constituents.


The Council of Governors acts as the voice of the community, ensuring local people have a say in the running of their hospital. Governors are either elected by member of the Trust or appointed by appropriate stakeholder partners, which includes nominated representatives from the Local Authority, University, and other partner organisations.


You can read all about your local governors on our website. If you would like to contact any of the governors, email [email protected], including the name of the governor you wish to contact. 


The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 12 June.


Public Board of Directors meetings

These are held every other month and give you the opportunity to observe the Board of Directors on how decisions are made and what the challenges are of managing a NHS Trust.


Upcoming dates:

  • Wednesday 26 June, 10am
  • Wednesday 31 July, 9.30am
  • Wednesday 25 September, 10am

More details on Board of Directors Meetings can be found here.


Star Award finalists

All our staff and volunteers deserve recognition - but there are many that go above and beyond the call of duty to make the Trust a better service - with hard work, exciting new ideas and simply by putting patients first. Click here to read why they were nominated and learn how they made a difference. If you would like to nominate someone for a Star Award complete the online form.


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York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Membership Newsletter

Wiggington Road, York, YO31 8HE

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