Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

Bereavement Feedback Questionnaire


If you would like to continue in Welsh, please choose ‘Cymraeg’ from the drop-down menu above. Os hoffech barhau yn Gymraeg, dewiswch ‘Cymraeg’ o’r gwymplen uchod.

This survey aims to increase our understanding of the experiences of bereaved people within the Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan area. The questions are based on the survey released by the UK Commission on Bereavement and through them we aim to improve the support available to those who live here.

This survey is for people aged 18 and older, who have experienced a bereavement during the last five years. If you have lost more than one person in the last five years, please choose one of these people to write about when answering these questions. Also, you can complete another survey(s) for other people you may have lost within the last five years, as your experiences may have been very different.

The questionnaire should take around 10 minutes to complete, is voluntary and all the results are anonymous.

When answering the questions, please help us by giving your honest opinion and please do not include anything personal that you do not wish being made public, as on occasion we might wish to share your anonymised feedback.

If you are helping someone complete this questionnaire, please ensure that it is their opinion that is recorded.

Thank you in anticipation. We are very sorry for your loss and appreciate that completing this questionnaire may be difficult, but your contribution is greatly appreciated.

If you would like to take part in this survey, please click Continue to start.

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