Please accept our sincere condolences for the loss of your baby and our gratitude for taking the time to complete this questionnaire which we appreciate, may be difficult.
This questionnaire is for women and their partners who have experienced the loss of their baby/babies during pregnancy or shortly after birth. Please complete as much or as little of the form that you are able to. Some questions may not be relevant to your experience. Please tick the relevant box for each question and write any comments you might have.
Give consideration to any aspects of the care you received before, during and after the birth of your baby, commenting on what mattered to you and your partner/family, what impacted on your experience and what could have been done differently to improve on the care you received. All information will remain anonymous and be used to learn from your experience and drive improvements in care.
If you would like to discuss any aspects of your care with a member of the Swan Maternity Bereavement Team at the hospital, please contact them on 01253 956877 or via email: [email protected].